Sprint 39 Sprint Review Meeting

Date and time: 2017-03-31 13:00-14:00 (EET)

Participants: Illya, Brylie, Jawid, Matti, Taija


API administrator handbook

Brylie presented the handbook content structure, which looked fine. Content can be fetched from Readme.md's etc. Handbook was written with GitBook Editor, which is WYSIWYG-editor and can produce different file types. Brylie found editor to be usable.

New architecture

Discussions about tools to be used: Python recommended. Brylie presented OpenAPI designer tool. Aurelia (scaffold present) seems to be good one, too. It generates much automatically, produces pure Javascript, which is considered to be useful for future.


2188: https://github.com/apinf/platform/issues/2188

Task from previous sprint took a lot of time at beginning of this sprint thus slowing progress down.

2311: https://github.com/apinf/platform/issues/2311

Not started.

2309: https://github.com/apinf/platform/issues/2309

Ongoing, problem in storing pagination values into database.


2188: https://github.com/apinf/platform/issues/2188

Task from previous sprint took a lot of time at beginning of this sprint thus slowing progress down.

2397: https://github.com/apinf/platform/pull/2397

Problems defining the content of task, because there were other tasks overlapping with this one.

2342: https://github.com/apinf/platform/issues/2342

No participation on this task.


2312: https://github.com/apinf/platform/issues/2312


2307: https://github.com/apinf/platform/issues/2307


2279: https://github.com/apinf/platform/issues/2279



2342: https://github.com/apinf/platform/issues/2342

Illya has examined support for different sizes of logos, looking for same size of cards. Experiments done, but it is not easy to make card flexible and easy to read at same time.

2306: https://github.com/apinf/platform/issues/2306

Progressing. Possible future changes has also to be taken into consideration: support for different images and maybe in addition to that support for mark-up, different sizes of pictures, centering images, taking in to consideration the content of image, etc.

2385: https://github.com/apinf/platform/pull/2385

Hiding empty tabs is close to finishing.

1957: https://github.com/apinf/platform/issues/1957

Automatic change log. Seemed to produce nice output.

2288: https://github.com/apinf/platform/issues/2288

Checked security issues. Remains to be seen, if solution is usable.