
Welcome! Thank you very much for your interest to APINF. To make your explorations in the API portal simple and easy, we present a small instructions on how to register to APINF and use it's features.



Landing page

Landing page give you options to search for an API of your choice,
to look in details to the APIs most recently added
and find out what APINF offers with its different features.
1. Click on "API Catalogue" (topbar) to see existing APIs hosted in APINF.
2. With recently added APIs, you can learn more about their features, documentation, etc. 
by clicking on "More Info".
3. You can get information about what features you can access and use through APINF by browsing down the page.
4. You can select either English or Finnish as APINF user interface language.
4. If you have an account, Sign in and start using APINF.

Registering to APINF

1. Go to https://nightly.apinf.io/
2. Click on "Sign Up" on right corner of topbar.
3. You can register with your Github account or manually enter Username, Email and Password.


1. You can access Dashboard after you have signed in to APINF.
2. To view statistics about your API, you should add it and connect it to a proxy. 
To add an API,  (from top bar)go to API Backend -> Add API Backend. 
You can attch it to a proxy via the API profile.
3. You can see "Number of Calls" made to your API through that proxy, "HTTP status of the responses"
and "Average Response Time" of your API by the available interactive charts. 
You can filter the information with timeline features. 
In Addition, overview information lets you know Response Rate of your API and who is using it.
4. You can get more detailed statistics about your API from a table at the bottom of the page.

API Catalogue

1. Existing set of public APIs are available for browsing through Catalog menu
2. You can view the list either in "card view" or "list view"
3. The APIs can be sorted by Name, Number of Bookmarks, Average Rating and Creation Date.
4. Once you have added your own APIs or bookmarked some, you can further filter the list as "ALL", 
"My APIs" and "My Bookmarks".
5. From to card/list view, you can directly go to the API profile, see its status 
(red/yellow/green circle at top left corner) or bookmark the API for future reference.

Add API Backend

1. From this option, you can publish your own API through the APINF catalog. 
(API Backends -> Add API Backend)
2. To add an API:
    2.1 Fill in the information in the page and click Add API.
    In the mean time you can go to your profile and customize your API.
    2.2 You will be notified once your API has been approved and published by APINF admin.

API profile

    1. API owners can make their API public or private from the top view. 
    This determines if the API would appear in catalog view.

    2. API consumers can know information about API owner, can bookmark the API for future reference 
    and can get API key to make calls to the API from top view. 
    (API key is avaiable if API owner has attached the API with a proxy).

    3. "Details" tab gives information about the what the API does and its usage instructions 
    (if provided by owner).

    4. from "Documentation" tab, you can view the available methods for this API and make calls using them. 
    (if owner makes it available to make calls). 
    You can also download an SDK in your preferred language from the Manage button. 
    (only is swagger file is available)
    API owners can upload a swagger documentation as well as update it. 
    They can also provide a link to the documenation which will appear in the Documentation tab view.

    5. API consumers can find out organizational and service related information about the API from "Metadata" tab. 
    API owners can edit this information when required.

    6. From "Feedback" tab, API consumers can let the owners know about their experience on using this API. 
    This also allows the consumers to report about an error or make a feature request.

    7. From Backlog tab, API owners can add new or upcoming features of the API. 
    The backlogs can be prioritized and will appear in the top view from high to low. 
    API consumers can find out about upcoming features of the API from this tab.

    8. API consumers can download .json or .yaml files containing the API configuration from "Export" tab.

    9. From "Settings" tab,API owners can modify their API related information. 
    They can also delete the API from this tab.

    10. From "Proxy" tab, API owners can attach their API to the available proxy. 
    Attaching API to a proxy enables the owner to use the Dashboard feature for their API and other API
    management features, such as rate limiting.
    It also allows to provide API keys for the consumers.