Sprint 31 Planning

* Date: 12.09.2016 10.00 - 11.00
* Participants: Taija, Vesa, Brylie, Nazia, Laura, Ville, Damir

Task Assignments

* 1540 - Wireframe for "API owner to be able to control 'Try it out!' button" - Nazia - 1
* 1450 - wireframe to Add and test rate limiting field to Proxy backend collection - Nazia - 1
* 1532 - Edit proxy fom not showing existing proxy values - Brylie - 1
* 1493 - Store Proxy backend collection data in API Umbrella - Brylie - 5
* 1509 - Delete Proxy backend from API Umbrella - Ville - 3
* 1510 - Edit Proxy backend and store changes in API Umbrella - 
* 1479 - Update Dashboard Select API List - Damir - 2
* 1484 - Disable Add proxy button if one proxy exists - Damir - 1
* 1190 - Add and test limiting field to Proxy backend collection - Nazia (wireframing) - 1
* 1436 - Multi-proxy data migration - Ville - 5
* 1445 - Instruct user about proxy settings after adding an API - Brylie - 2
* 1200 - Allow only unique backend base paths -  - 1
* 1535 - Determine how to handle API Umbrella base URL consistently in project - Brylie - 1
* 1533 - SyncApiUmbrellaBackends method: how to store API URL? - Brylie - 2
* 1123 - Veryfy emails after sign up - Ville - 3
* 1504 - Localize avaiilable UI texts - Vesa & Taija & Nazia
* 1477 - Delete API not responding - Brylie
* 1472 - Visibility of API: Selector is shown for annonymous - Brylie
* 1525 - Feedback form not working properly - Damir 
* 1514 - Add a setting for SMTP configuration - Ville - 2
* 1507 - Unable to edit "Username" in "Profile" view -