2015-04-20 Apinf Sprint 1 planning

Total amount of hours available: 95 hours

Created tasks

Created task: #16 Specify recruitment needs

* Identify technologies to be used

* Identify gaps in skills and resources

* Make suggestion to management

Created task: #17 Expand mvp specification

* Create section describing each MVP feature.

* Include basic functionality, user roles, user interface details.

Created task: #18 Create API lifecycle document

Task assignment

  • Assigned Juuso to task #14 Audit Api design and management tools

  • Assigned Taija to task #15 : Create communication plan document

  • Assigned Taija to task #8 : Document personas session

  • Assigned Taija to task #16 : Specify recruitment needs

  • 17 Expand mvp specification

    • Time estimation: 20 hours

    • Point person: Brylie

  • 15 Create communication plan document

    • Time estimation: 13 hours

    • Point person: Taija

  • 16 Specify recruitment needs

    • Time estimation: 5 hours

    • Point person: Taija

  • 14 Audit API design and management tools

    • Time estimation: 13 hours

    • Point person: Juuso

  • 18 Create API lifecycle document

    • Time estimation: 20 hours

    • Point person: Brylie

  • Labeled the tasks in Hackpad

Total hours estimated: 77 hours