APInf team self-reflection


Nazia, Brylie, Illya, Matti, Jawid, Philippe, Vesa, Taija


The following themes were suggested as possible themes for discussion decision making developer ownership customer feedback loop team communication * quick fix vs. long term vision

Team voted on the items and the following themes were chosen: team communication (3 votes) and customer feedback loop (3 votes).

For each of the selected items we discussed the current status (problems) and the actions were could take (solutions).

Team communication


  • remote teams
  • "too much" communication, especially on RocketChat
  • RocketChat difficult to follow
  • Channel purposes unclear, too many channels to follow
  • a lot of discussions, but not necessarily actionable conclusions
  • How to involve and include remote team members: online, real-time discussions
  • Onboarding process
  • Knowledge management
  • Ground rule for discussion, particularly agreement
  • Not knowing the team members

Solutions and actions

  • more live discussions
  • short monthly meeting with everyone (AP Taija)
  • Internal "Facebook", should be kept private (AP Brylie, Philippe, Vesa)
  • Monday (?) bun (AP Taija)
  • Should there be a discussion forum for longer / long-term discussions, while chat would be for immediate needs (AP Brylie)
  • Skype welcome meeting for newcomers
  • Chilling area in "Mexico", bean bags, should also have screen AP Taija)
  • Code of conduct review (AP Brylie)
  • Welcome/survival guide for newcomers (should be printable pdf)
  • Rocket chat gardening
  • Make sure channels have descriptions (AP channel owners)
  • removing and possibly adding channels: each channel should have a clear purpose

Customer feedback loop


  • How does the dev team get feedback from customers?
  • What is the needs discovery process and prioritization?
  • need to see higher level vision (epics)
  • pipeline visibility, CRM

Solutions and actions

  • Odoo user rights and training (AP Philippe)
  • Involving the customers early on (idea or wireframe)
  • Customer map with needs on the wall (AP Nazia and Philippe)
    • name of customer
    • list of needs
    • deliverables and status?
    • getting feedback