Sprint 30 Planning

* Participants: Brylie, Nazia, Sandhya, Taija
* Date: 29.08.2016 10:00 - 11:00

Assigned Tasks

* 1233 - Create proxy backend collection and UI for mandatory fields - 5 - Brylie
* 1381 - Update API details tab - 1 - Brylie
* 1382 - Update dashboard analytics URL and user notification - 5 - Damir
* 1394 - If no proxy selected for platform, dashboard should not be available - 2 - Damir
* 1384 - Get API key button to API profile page - 3 - Ville
* 622 - Ensure API managers can disable API key check on backend - 2 - 
* 1190 - Add and test rate limiting field to proxy backend collection - 3 - Ville
* 1385 - Change API settings export to match collection change - 1 - 
* 1446 - Fix API Backlog add/edit/delete forms and deprecate the afModals - - 
* 1444 - Refactor project router files for consistency - Ville
* 1443 - Refactor all  collection files to use same structure - 1 - Brylie
* 1445 - Directing usee to proxy settings after adding an API - 2 - Nazia
* 1387 - Usage scenarios or usage instructions to Api details page - 
* 1448 - Swutcg the home page to use master layout - 
* 1428 - CLick on 'Copy API Key' in Profile view  displays successful dialog twice - Ville
* 1409 - Nightly2: Documentation viewer showing link to Petstore Swagger instead of proper Swagger file -   -
* 1455 - wireframe to Usage scenarios or usage instructions to Api details page - 2 - Nazia
* 1449 - wireframe to Get API key button to API profile page - 1 - Nazia
* 1450 - wireframe to Add and test rate limiting field to Proxy backend collection - 1 - Nazia
* 1451 - wireframe to Create Proxy backend collection and UI for mandatory fields - 1 - Nazia
* 1452 - wireframe to Update dashboard analytics URL and user notifications - 1 - Nazia
* 1453 - wireframe to Ensure api managers can disable API key check on Backends - 1 - Nazia
* 1454 - wireframe to Directing user to proxy settings after adding an API - 1 - Nazia