Sprint 45 Planning Meeing

  • Date: 12.06.2017 10:00 - 11:00
  • Participants: Brylie, Ilya, Joonas, Kerkko, Matti, Nazia, Philippe, Taija

Task Assignments

  • 2642 - Allow apinf.io admin to add pricing information - Ilya - 1
  • 2568 - Allow apinf.io user to see pricing information - Ilya - 1
  • 2637 - Implement server-aggregated Nr of calls chart - Brylie - 2
  • 2636 - Implement server-aggregated aver. response time chart -
  • 2644 - Implement usage figures for single API -
  • 2643 - User research for dashboard wireframes - Nazia, Ilya - 2
  • 2638 - Add/create Swagger file(s) for APInf API(s) to apinf.io - Nazia - 1
  • 2639 - Create branding guidelines - Nazia, Ilya - 2
  • 2628 - Privacy policy and Terms of use start with site title - Ilya - 1
  • 2641 - Organization settings: User unable to upload logo/cover image - Brylie -
  • 2381 - Adding Proxy settings fails in staging - Taija
  • 2508 - Wireframe and implement RSS feed buttons for API Catalog and Organization Profile -
  • 2521 - Add RSS meta tag when appropriate -
  • 2529 - New localisation round -
  • 2535 - API number is inconsistent in Organization Card and Organization Profile -
  • 2645 - Removed user's id remains in organization manager role - Matti - 2
  • 2648 - User API, request one user data with id - Matti - 1