2015-06-15 : Sprint 5 planning


Illya Nizyev

Damir Mustafin

Juuso Vallius

Taija Bjorklund

Brylie Christopher Oxley

Laura Ekman


#110 Choose how to get analytics data from Elasticsearch

#125 Create API Umbrella user in all relevant collections

#116 Create schema for AdminUsers collection

#102 Synchronize Admin User data between API Umbrella and Apinf, via REST interface

#80 Display analytics data in chosen charting package

#119 Create navigation menu for API user dashboard

#121 Create basic API grid for API user dashboard

#120 Add basic chart widget to API user dashboard

#122 Display the API backends catalog in base template

#126 Choose unit and functional testing framework

#105 Create user roles

#114 Customize API backend autoform

#115 Add inline help to API backend form fields

#75 Add rate limiting to API configuration form

#127 Create content architecture map

#72 Create a form or button for importing basic API configuration (API Umbrella)

#123 Create LESS files for Apinf branding

#130 Create a mission statement for Apinf

#133 Choose a learning resource and demonstrate progress

#124 Choose a learning resource and demonstrate progress

#131 Create Social media strategy document

#93 Change social media and Github links on Apinf frontpage

#81 Create HTML mockups for user profile re-design

#129 Make a wishlist for Apinf frontpage content

#99 Create RAML and/or Swagger file describing Admin API

#117 Create wrapper for API Scopes

#118 Create wrapper for API Groups

Total time:

Illya Nizyev - 52

Damir Mustafin - 48

Juuso Vallius - 34

Taija Bjorklund - 13

Brylie Christopher Oxley - 46

Laura Ekman - 13